Warrior Cat Name Quizes
Stumped for a name for your Warriors OC? Or maybe you'd like to get ideas for what your name would be in the Warriors series. Here are fan-made quizzes on the topic of character names!
Our Warrior Cat Name Quizzes
- What is your True Warrior name?[by: Darkestfox09, rated: 4.52rated: 4.52/5, published: Nov 29, 2018]
THIS IS IMPORTANT!! READ THIS!! Oh good! You're still reading! Anyway, there are some questions where it is either a tom or she-cat answers. Just answer…
- What Is Your Warrior Cat Name? ( female quiz only)[by: Ferntail, rated: 4.35rated: 4.35/5, published: May 24, 2019]
This quiz will give you your warrior name based off of the way you answer. It will give you your name, a picture, and a description. I tried to make it as…
- What Would Your Cat's Warrior Name Be?[by: Sunday1, rated: 4.28rated: 4.28/5, published: Jul 20, 2012]
I am aware that there are many quizzes' like this, which is why I made this one different. This all about YOUR cat. :) If you don't own a cat then why are you…
- What Is Your Warrior Cat Name? (she-cat version)[by: Salty_Cat, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: May 14, 2022]
This is a pretty long quiz so don't expect it to not be detailed. There are seven results with cats from all five Clans, and again they are all she-cats.
- What Would Your Warrior Cat Name Be?[by: nora, rated: 4.09rated: 4.09/5, published: Jul 24, 2008]
Erin hunter's warriors series has thrilled readers and made them beg for more! Wild cats who live in clans and have a 'warrior code' couldn't be cooler! One…
- Find Out Your Warrior Cat Name, Pelt Color, And Clan 2[by: Scarpath, rated: 3.87rated: 3.87/5, published: Dec 4, 2012]
Many warrior cat names have been created and these are some of mine. Warriors is an excellent series by Erin Hunter about cats that live in the wild.
- What is your Warrior cat Prefix?[by: zmzmzmzem, rated: 3.87rated: 3.87/5, published: Sep 29, 2014]
This is my first quiz, it is a test to me, but hopefully it will prove to improve my skills and possibly the examples of others. In this quiz, you will…
- What Is Your Absolutely True Warrior Cat Name?[by: sorentheowl, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Dec 30, 2010]
There are so many What Is Your Warrior Cat Name quizzes out there, but none of them are quite accurate, or have any good names. This one, however, is…
- Your Warrior Cat Suffix![by: Pansypetal, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Sep 19, 2015]
There are so many Warrior Cat suffixes, it might be almost impossible to name them all. One, but only one, will suit you. But there remains one question: What…
- Consult Starclan for you Warrior name![by: Dawnstar, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Jun 19, 2010]
Starclan is calling. Take this quiz to decide your warrior name. Be honest and think about your answers. We don't want to anger our warrior ancestors now do…
- What is your warrior cat name?[by: Moonshine, rated: 3.68rated: 3.68/5, published: Sep 6, 2014]
Many people have read the warriors book series by Erin Hunter, but which warrior cat are you? There are loyal, friendly and loving cats. But there are also…
- What Is Your Warrior Cat Name? (tom version)[by: Salty_Cat, rated: 4.11rated: 4.11/5, published: May 21, 2022]
This is a pretty long quiz so don't expect it to not be detailed. There are seven results with cats from all five Clans, and again they are all toms. This is…
- What's Your Warrior Cat Name?[by: Flight, rated: 3.97rated: 3.97/5, published: Sep 2, 2011]
Okay, so thanks for choosing this quiz, I know there's tons of these out there, but yeah, thanks anyway! The usual: no cussing in the comments, please!
- What would YOUR warrior name be?[by: Glitterz, rated: 3.28rated: 3.28/5, published: Jul 18, 2009]
If you were a Clan cat, what would your name be? This quiz will answer this question, ad will also tell you what you would look like, and your personality!
- What is your warrior name?[by: Skyflame2001, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: May 31, 2012]
There are many warriors in the Warriors world. They all have names that go along with themselves, such as Firestar having the first name "Fire" because of his…
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