Which warrior cat are you?

Have you ever read warriors before? yes? well, if you did then you came to the right place I promise like bad!!!!! I hope you enjoy this quiz because I put a lot of effort into this!

If you didn't well warriors is a series of a kittypet named rusty who wanders into woods one night and then he meets up with these new cats named Bluestar Lionheart and Greypaw and then he joins thunderclan! sooo yah! anyways enjoy!!1

Created by: Rhonda Ann Daniels
  1. Its night in the nursery you wake up to your littermate waking you up and asks if you want to sneak out of the clan what do you say?
  2. Your about to pick who your mentor will be who to you choose?
  3. Your sister is sick and theirs only one last fresh kill in the fresh kill pile what do you do?
  4. Your about to become leader what personality will you choose towards the other clan cats
  5. You wake up to another clan attacking what do you do?
  6. You met a rouge before and you want to go meet him again what do you do?
  7. Do you think you would be able to survive warriors?
  8. Do you think you would have a hard life in warriors?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. cidbi;ubtugtgotgten
  11. IM sorry this is the last question

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat am I?
