Your Warriors Life

A quiz to show you what your life will be like in warriors I hope you like it also this my first quiz so it might be kinda basic I hope you guys like it and if you don’t I’m sorry

It’s a fun quiz if you are into warrior cats I have seen a lot of these and I liked the idea. Anyway you are a Auburn shecat named Auburnkit and you have three tons to choose from you are a part of Thunderclan hope you like the quiz

Created by: McKenna
  1. You open your eyes to see two bumps a brown bump and a gold bump they are your brothers you turn around to see a big brown Tom cat he is your father his name is Heatherleaf and your mother is a golden she cat named Sharpteeth your first reaction to them is:
  2. You are now able to walk so you walk out side the nursery and three toms come up to you and introduce themselves Lightningkit goes first”My name is Lightningkitand I am brave and kind” and then Leatherkit “h-hi there my name is Learher kit and I am intelligent brave and charming”and lastly Patchpelt “what do you want oh my name is Patchkit and I am smart” who do you like the best so fa?
  3. Leatherkit asks you to play what do you say:
  4. Sorry guys I will make another quiz soon but it’s 2:13 A.M. and I need to sleep bye
  5. Hi
  6. I can’t leave until I make ten question
  8. I’m so freaking tired
  9. Almost done
  10. Last Question FATE

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Quiz topic: My Warriors Life
