Warriors: She-cats Love Story

Ever wanted to live in the Warrior Cats universe? In this quiz, you’ll go through a series of scenarios and find out your soul mate… but as a warrior cat!

If you like warriors, role-playing, the tales of love and living as a cat at the same time, you’ll enjoy doing this quiz. What are you waiting for? (Btw this is my second quiz, inspired by a few other quizzes)

Created by: Elizabeth
  1. You are a kit in the nursery, pressing yourself against your mother to escape from your rambunctious littermates. Suddenly, a striped grey tail whacked you on the nose! You hiss and turn around. It was Scorpionkit, one of the other kits in the nursery. He snickered at your silly expression.
  2. You had a messy playfight with Scorpionkit, and quickly became friends. Soon, you two became apprentices! Scorpionpaw’s mentor is Swiftpelt. The deputy, Fallenleaf, padded over to congratulate you. “Congrats, ______! I will be your mentor.” He touched noses you, shooting you a small smile as he did. Then, he showed both of you to your nests in the apprentice den.
  3. The other apprentices, Briarpaw and Falconpaw, were friendly enough. Scorpionpaw glared at Falconpaw as he rubbed shoulders with you. The next morning, you are the first to wake up. You realise that Scorpionpaw was curled up against your back, purring deeply.
  4. Today, Fallenleaf taught you various stalking methods. His tail definitely brushed against your side more than once! While hunting, your mind was always on:
  5. You and Fallenleaf were on patrol when suddenly a fox leaped out at you! Both of you fight valiantly, but you were losing. You scream for help, and there’s the sound of rustling in the bushes.
  6. Briarpaw, Falconpaw, and their mentor came bolting out of the bushes, scaring the fox away. “That was some pretty good battle moves there, _____.” Fallenleaf meowed, and rubbed shoulders with you.
  7. The patrol got back to camp. Scorpionpaw padded over, “_____, what happened? Your ear is bleeding.” He began to lick your cut ear. Fallenleaf and Falconflight were both glaring at Scorpionpaw from across camp.
  8. You were made a warrior! You stood guard for the night with your den mates. “Are you guys as bored as I am?” Scorpionpaw yawned, “Somebody PLEASE bite me if I fall asleep.”
  9. The next morning, you came back from a successful hunting patrol, though tired and hungry. Falconflight offered to share some prey with you.
  10. Fallenleaf was made deputy! He was purring all through his ceremony.
  11. You were taking a walk by yourself in the forest when some rogues ambushed you. You scream:
  12. The camp was attacked by Asterclan warriors! Who or where do you defend?
  13. Tragically, your leader was killed by enemy warriors. Everyone else was fine. Fallenleaf is now Fallenstar. After the battle, you discover that you are expecting kits! Who is the father?

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