Which Twilight Saga Book Is Your Favorite?

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Have you not read the Twilight Saga yet? Are you wondering which book you’d enjoy the most out of the four main books? Maybe you want to know what to expect.

Or perhaps you’ve read the books and can’t decide which one you like best? Take this quiz to answer all these questions or discover some you never knew you had

Created by: InaccurateQuizzes
  1. Describe the traits of a “good” character in your head.
  2. What is your favorite book/book series out of the following?
  3. Describe your best friend(s) in one of the following words:
  4. Would you rather love a vampire or a werewolf?
  5. If you were in danger, what would your thoughts be?
  6. What do you look for in a good book?
  7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  8. What is your favorite thing to do of the following?
  9. What sounds the most beautiful of the following?
  10. Choose the food that sounds the most appetizing from below:

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Quiz topic: Which Twilight Saga Book Is my Favorite?
