How well do you know the Twilight Saga?

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Take this Quiz if your wondering how much of a Twihard you are. Are you up for the challenge? aw dont back out now. youll never know unless you try. I believe in you!

Team Jacob? Or Edward? Either way, You know twilight inside and out. Maybe your even ready for the mega Vampire/werewolf love triangle yourself. I know I am!

Created by: Chrissy Rae
  1. How old was Edward Cullen when changed?
  2. What class did edward OFFICIALLY meet Bella?
  3. After Edward, who was the next Cullen to be turned?
  4. What did Bella want to name her baby if it was a boy?
  5. Why did bella want to be changed?
  6. Which cullen voted for bella to stay human?
  7. What is the last line of the series?
  8. Besides Edward, who is in love with bella?
  9. What are the names of the three vampires present when Jasper was changed?
  10. What date is Bella's birthday?
  11. whose venom turned Bella?
  12. what was the name of the other half vampire in bd pt.2?
  13. who killed laurent?
  14. what present did Aro give bella for her wedding?
  15. What is the fist line of the series?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Twilight Saga?
