Which Transformer are you?

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This is a quiz to answer your burning question: Which Transformer am I? This quiz is based on Bay Movies. It only covers the first movie and the Autobots. Sorry not sorry, Decepticons! I advise you to have at least seen the movie to take this quiz.

I hope this quiz does not offend you. I just made this because I love Transformers and want you to have fun. It's okay if you did not get the answer you wanted. You can go back a tweak it so you get the one you want. There are 4 results and 10 questions. If a question's answers aren't exact, just choose the closest one. Good luck!

Created by: Katelyn Clark
  1. How old are you? (No effect)
  2. What gender are you? (No effect)
  3. Have you seen Transformers? (Bay Movies) [No effect]
  4. What is your favorite color? (out of these choices)
  5. What is your favorite subject in school?
  6. What are you in your friend group?
  7. Do you like school?
  8. Which emotion do you normally feel? (Basically, how do you feel right now?)
  9. What is a hobby you like? (Out of these choices)
  10. Did you like this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Transformer am I?
