Are you a dragon transformer

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A dragon transformer is a power given with a terrible price well the dragon transformers have started a group with a leader called Vmonke and co leader called AlandiyaTheFogicon

Can you be a dragon transformer or will you be their enemy for life Please go to my website: Please injoy my quiz and this is may first one

Created by: AlandiyaTheFogicon of RainbowBirds.Com
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you want to be able to have power which might come with a terrible price
  2. Do you like monkeys
  3. Could you be a spy or assassin
  4. Can you handle anger
  5. What do you think of dragons
  6. Do you like Star Wars
  7. Select the funny one
  8. If someone killed a person you like what could you do
  9. Do you like potato or cinnamon buns ( doesn’t effect answer)
  10. Which weapon would you have
  11. (Only answer if selected beam swords ) which colour beam sword
  12. How was the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a dragon transformer
