Which tool do you find most ticklish? (Feet)

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Hello! If you're interested in what tool is most ticklish for your feet, this quiz will help you answer that! it is not inappropriate and there are five different possible results at the end. I hope you enjoy it!

If you want the most accurate results, I recommend laying on your back and having a friend sit on your legs to tickle your feet. (There will be prompts to tell them what to do) Once you're done, why not reverse the roles? see what tool your friend's feet are most sensitive too. Have fun and comment on what quiz I should make next!

Created by: QuizMaker7
  1. Have your friend tickle your feet with their fingers for ten seconds, how ticklish was this?
  2. Have your friend tickle your feet with a feather for ten seconds, how ticklish was this?
  3. Have your friend tickle your feet with a hairbrush for ten seconds, how ticklish was this?
  4. Have your friend tickle your feet with a toothbrush for ten seconds, how ticklish was this?
  5. Have your friend tickle your feet with a variety of things for forty five seconds, how ticklish was this?
  6. These next five questions have no effect, got it? (No Effect)
  7. Which tool do you enjoy being tickled by the most?
  8. Have you taken my first quiz? (How ticklish are your feet?)
  9. Will you comment on or rate this quiz? (Or both)
  10. Will you share this quiz?
  11. Last question: After you get your result, make sure to check down below to see if you had more than one result, OK?

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Quiz topic: Which tool do I find most ticklish? (Feet)
