What Art Tool Are You?

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Hiya!!! This quiz is going to tell you what art tool you are!!! You can get Crayon, Marker, Paintbrush, Pen, or Pencil. Hope it's accurate and fun!!!!

Also I hope you get the score that you want. But if you don't please don't be too disappointed. Sorry if that's cheesy but it's true. Thank you for understanding. ENJOY THE QUIZ!!!!

Created by: Nunyabiz
  1. Are you afraid of making mistakes?
  2. Pick an element.
  3. Pick a color.
  4. Leader, follower, or other?
  5. Introvert or extrovert?
  6. What is your favorite season?
  7. What is your favorite book genre?
  8. A bully is bullying your friend, What do you do?
  9. What do you do when you're angry?
  10. Ok last one!!! Thanks for taking!!

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Quiz topic: What Art Tool am I?
