Which ThunderClan Medicine Cat Are You? Series 1-2

Welcome! My name is Moondust, a RiverClan she - cat, but I'm here today to give you a medicine cat quiz - which ThunderClan medicine cat are you? I hope that you appreciate the time and effort that has been put into it!

Spoiler alert - by the way, if you are currently reading Warrior Cats, maybe you should skip the history section of your results? I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: Moondust
  1. What do you value more?
  2. What is your favourite part of being a medicine cat?
  3. If you had to choose a clan that wasn't ThunderClan, which one would you choose?
  4. The Moonpool or the Moonstone?
  5. What is the best cure for Yellowfang's sourness?
  6. If your friend was seen meeting another cat from a different clan on the border, what would you do?
  7. What colour pelt would you have?
  8. If you didn't believe in StarClan and you were a medicine cat, would you still visit the Moonstone/Moonpool?
  9. Would you make it your business to learn every single herb of by heart?
  10. What would your friends describe you as?

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Quiz topic: Which ThunderClan Medicine Cat am I? Series 1-2
