How Well Do You Know ThunderClan?

Are you a fan of all things warrior cats? Think you know everything? Well, don't be so sure! I, Moondust, have created this quiz to see how well you know our ThunderClan!

Don't be ashamed if you don't get it immediately, that's okay. (After all, our leader is very understanding!) Just keep trying, and, before you know it, you'll be the best of the best.

Created by: Moondust
  1. What prey do ThunderClan cats NOT eat?
  2. Why do both ThunderClan and RiverClan claim to own Sunningrocks?
  3. What relation does Greystripe have to Darkstripe?
  4. What is Firestar's kittypet name when he joins ThunderClan?
  5. Who takes Firestar (Rusty at the time) into ThunderClan for the first time?
  6. Who is Tigerstar's father?
  7. What happened to Pinestar (leader of ThunderClan before Sunstar, who was before Bluestar)?
  8. Who was the medicine cat before Spottedleaf?
  9. Who formed ThunderClan? What was their name?
  10. What of these is a correct time line of ThunderClan's medicine cats?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know ThunderClan?
