which sun and moon show character has a crush on you?

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HELLO! ever want to know what sun and moon show (sams) character has a crush on you? now you can find out by taking this quiz! no art belongs to me credits to the rightful owners!

please do not spam me in the comments on how cringe this was, i would really appreciate it if you didn't that said, enjoy your reasults! hope you get a character you like!

Created by: shinofan
  1. hello there!
  2. anyway we are doing so basic questions then some role-play, after that you can leave.
  3. so first, whats your... *hides behind moon* your favorite color? *hides even more behind moon*
  4. aesthetic?
  5. favorite food?
  6. okay nex- bloodmoon: WHAS UP SUCKERS! I'M HERE TO ASK A QUESTION!! so if your friend was on the verge of death, but your family is also on the verge of death, and you can only choose to save one? which would you choose? me: bloodmoon? bloodmoon: yeah? me: i thought eclipse told you to stop watching fox it's frying your circits.
  7. okay role-play time! ' w '
  8. so your walking around the pizzaplex, and you decide to go to the daycare. you have 2 options: elevator, or stairs.
  9. however you got there you see the noraml sun is hanging out with the kids, moon is hanging back awaiting his shift, the usual. but you see a figure that looks like moon but way red and black. it's bloodmoon what do you do?
  10. next! it's dark in the daycare and your walking around trying to find the back up generators, when something picks you up into the air. it's moon. what do you do?
  11. okay the end did you like the quiz?
  12. and now, fate!

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