Which spirit dog are you? ( from survivors by Erin Hunter )

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Hello! Welcome! Soooooooo, you want to know what spirit dog you are? Right? Cuz that why your here. I hope you enjoy it and all that bla bla bla bla bla.

Check out my other quizes! I hope you get the one you wanted. If not I am very sorry. I did my very best. I nd other quizzes too! As always, Random Person!

Created by: Random person
  1. Sun, moon, forest, river, wind, sky?
  2. You are walking through camp. Suddenly you hear a distressed howl. It's your pac k mate. She's sitting next to the dead body of her mate and pups. There are three suspects. Breeze, Winter, Claw. Who do you think did it?
  3. What's your favorite color
  4. Golden retriever, Labrador, or great dane?
  5. Love, live, laugh, or know the truth to every thing?
  6. How are you doing? This won't effect the answer.
  7. If you could invent a pair of wings would you?
  8. Fate
  9. Are you bored yet? ( does not effect answer )
  10. Last question😁 if you could rule the world would you?

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Quiz topic: Which spirit dog am I? ( from survivors by Erin Hunter )
