Survivors-Erin Hunter [Survivors Fanfic] Part 2 (Girls only)

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  1. [Name] sighed, shuffling her paws on the grass. She growled as the bushes parted, to reveal Ash. [Name] bared her teeth at Ash, growling.
  2. (``What do you want?!``) (``Leave me alone!``) [Name] snarled, as Ash stepped closer. ``Oh.`` Ash sneered, ``I just wanted you to clean out my nest, Omega.``
  3. (Don't answer this question if you picked ``Fine, you snotty little brat.``) ``No way!`` [Name] growled. ``I'll tell Alpha.`` Ash laughed.
  4. ``Fine, you snotty little brat.`` ``Excuse me?!`` ``Ugh, Whatever.`` [Name] rolled her eyes.
  5. [Name] walked to camp, and into the Hunters' Den. She took hold of the moss and leaves in her jaws, her nose crinkled in disgust at Ash's smell. ``Hi Omega.`` A black dog stepped beside her. She dropped the bedding, looking at him.
  6. ``Need some help?`` The black dog asked.
  7. and- CUT! Cliffhanger! Sorry, I don't have very much time to make these. I hope you liked my FIRST ever quiz! Bye!

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