Which South Park Boy are You? (Out of Main 5)

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This quiz will tell you which South Park boy out of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Butters, and Kenny you resemble most. It consists of 19 questions. Some are scenarios, some are “what would you do?”, and some are just personal opinions/questions.

This quiz might not be 100% accurate, it’s just how I think the canon characters in South Park would answer these questions. Please don’t be offended by your results, this is all just for fun!

Created by: Elisia
  1. Choose one thing that interests you.
  2. Your friends want to go to a party, but your parents say no. What do you do?
  3. In a room full of people, who do you run to first?
  4. You get fall over. What do you do?
  5. Someone is trying to get under your skin. How do you react?
  6. “Hey, I’ve got a puppy in the back of my van. Wanna come see it?”
  7. You see a scary movie.
  8. All the attention is on you. How do you react?
  9. A hot girl asks you out. How do you react?
  10. It’s a cozy night in. What do you decide to watch?
  11. A bully tries to hurt someone you love. What do you do?
  12. Someone known for manipulating and bullying people, and someone who had done that to you, asks for forgiveness.
  13. You see an old person fall over. What do you do?
  14. Your partner wants to breakup with you. How do you react?
  15. There is change in your life, for the better or worst. How do you react?
  16. What is your love language?
  17. You’re inlove. What now?
  18. You feel as though too many animals get slaughtered at the pound. What do you do about it?
  19. Hypothetically, people at your school hate you.

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Quiz topic: Which South Park Boy am I? (Out of Main 5)
