Drayton Manor Quiz

You are about to take a quiz (well if you do choose to) about a park in the UK I have been to many times. Try your best to answer all the questions and if you don't know a lot you may want to give this a miss

For people who know a lot about the park this will be a breeze however if you literally have no clue then this will be really hard. Give it a go and see how well you do!

Created by: Louis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When Did StormForce10 Open ??
  2. True Or False? Shockwave Opened The Same Time As Splash Canyon
  3. How Many Inversions Does G Force Have?
  4. True Or False? Shockwave Originally Had Brown Supports?
  5. When Did Apocalypse Open?
  6. True Or False? Thomas Land Recently Had An Expansion
  7. How Many Roller Coasters Are There At Drayton Manor?
  8. True Or False? One Of Their Current Rides Opened In 1987
  9. True Or False? Shockwave Is Taller Than Apocalypse
  10. True Or False? StormForce10 Is The Tallest Water Ride In The World
  11. What Is Your Favourite Roller Coaster At Drayton Manor?? (This Won't Affect Your Score)

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