How much do you know about Indigo Park?

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Welcome to the Indigo Park Quiz! If you heard about the game, or if you're a fan, then try this quiz and see what you know about this game! Let's go!!

The game was created by UniqueGeese, a YouTuber, streamer, and game creator. Indigo Park is a mascot horror game, in which you have to help an A.I. assistant bring the park back!

Created by: Cupfan2011
  1. Who is the A.I. assistant who guides you around the park?
  2. Who made Indigo Park?
  3. Who do you kill in Chapter 1?
  4. What is the name of the credits song?
  5. True or False: Rambley glitches out frequently.
  6. Which one is NOT a collectible in the game?
  7. What are Rambley's first words in the game?
  8. Who do we see at the end of Chapter 1?
  9. How long has the park been shut down for?
  10. Who does Rambley hate the most?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Indigo Park?

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