Which song are you based on your personality

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You have to pick one option out of all questions which reasonates with you the most and please don't take any of this serious I seriously mean no harm or anything

I have tried my best to make this quiz according to your personality so please give it a review I will try my best to make it gooooddddddddd next timeeeeeee

Created by: Star
  1. Pick your favorite song out of all these
  2. Your friends are getting ahead of you in success and and achieving a lot of things, what would be your reaction?
  3. You are going on a date how do you feel what are you wearing?
  4. Your date gives you an expensive necklace how would you react?
  5. You find money on the road what would you do
  6. Okk now time for a song lyric pick any lyric you like or relate to
  7. Pick your favorite artist
  8. Again pick any song u like
  9. Ahhh i am running out of questions , ok so pick any fictional character u like
  10. Ok so did u liked this quiz!!

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Quiz topic: Which song am I based on my personality
