Which kpop song titled Airplane are you?

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Hi and thanks for stopping by! This is just a silly little quiz in which I guess what kind of person you are with musical and lyrical metaphors. I will be doing this through making up some super random scenarios and you then pick which answer is the closest to what you'd do. Repeat that a few times, then I'm gonna assume some very personal things about you. (You are... going to take the test. So I'm gonna presume you wanted that. And if it's completely wrong then I can't say much else. I don't even know you. This is all for fun lmao.)

P.S.: I'm gonna assume you're some form of kpop fan, most of these hypothetical situations are kpop-related, so if you're not familiar with the terminology, it could get confusing.

Created by: starrieniqht
  1. Pick a crack ship which I ship unironically!
  2. You are transported to the world where TWICE's Dance the Night Away music video is set in. You must choose which three (no less, no more) items that will be teleported with you. Which is the set of five closest to what you would choose to bring among these answers?
  3. Pick an iconic trio in which the members are all from different groups!
  4. Based only on its title and a short description of the genre/style from ChatGPT (if you haven't heard them that is, if you've heard them all, just pick your favorite out of the eight), pick out of my top eight Everglow bsides!
  5. Pick a kpop(-adjacent) soloist you've probably never heard of!
  6. Pick an Everglow ship! Or else they'll sink yours! Just like pirates would! And all your treasure will also be taken! (Geddit? Like, ship, as in pirate ship... and they have a song called Pirate too... I'm sorry I just love puns...)
  7. Pick a song from the four soloists I stan!
  8. Pretend Twice is not a group and that they're actually your close friends (adjust their ages in your head to be parallel with yours, if needed), you will be hanging out the upcoming weekend but not all of them are free on the same day. So the ten of you planned three different hangouts where everyone gets to hangout with at least two other people. You yourself are free on all days. Which will you pick?
  9. Choose between these songs which have the same title!
  10. Which result do you think you'll get?

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Quiz topic: Which kpop song titled Airplane am I?
