Which Skyrim race are you

Skyrim is a land full of strange races. They vary from tall, magical elves, to headstrong warriors, to brutish creatures. Nature surely wasn't picky when creating these races

What Skyrim race are you? In just a few simple questions, you can find out. Are you a magical elf, or a headstrong warrior. There is only one way to find out.

Created by: James
  1. Which describes you best?
  2. What is your height?
  3. Which area best suits you?
  4. How often do you take in consideration for others?
  5. You are encountered by a swarm of Draugr, what do you do?
  6. Which job suits you?
  7. How would your friends describe you(be honest)
  8. Which would you prefer to eat?
  9. Which would you prefer to fight?
  10. Which bodily addition would you prefer to have?
  11. Are you ready?

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Quiz topic: Which Skyrim race am I