Which religion should you follow?

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This very accurate quiz will let you know which religion you should follow. You can ignore the quiz’s results, but the god you got as an answer will be sad :(.

Do not ignore the answers of the quiz. This quiz decides your fate. If you ignore it the DEBI will come after you and hunt you. You don’t want to take the risk.

Created by: konymacaroni
  1. Which would you rather have
  2. What describes you the best?
  3. What is your favorite number 1-8
  4. Do you have an iq over 100?
  5. Do you like doing big projects in Minecraft?
  6. What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft?
  7. Do you agree with JeffMcJeff?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. You find a village, what do you do?
  10. Which is your favorite mob?
  11. Do you like trolling?
  12. Are you good at Minecraft?
  13. Who do you like the most(Will not affect answers)

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Quiz topic: Which religion should I follow?
