Which Pyrrhian Tribe Are You and Your Friends?

Hi, this is my first time doing a quiz on this website, so please don't judge me harshly. I keep getting SkyWing. I really hope you enjoy this quiz It's my first!

Are you a mysterious NightWing? Or are you a no-nonsense SandWing? Take this quiz to find out! There are seven options: SeaWing, SkyWing, SandWing, MudWing, IceWing, NightWing and RainWing.

Created by: Matilda Bruce
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What are your favorite colors?
  3. How do your friends describe you ?
  4. What is your favorite thing to do?
  5. Which is your favorite character in the second arc?
  6. Who are you in your class? The:
  7. Who are you in Warriors?
  8. What is you're favorite song?
  9. What is your favorite thing in school?
  10. What is you're LEAST favorite thing in school?

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Quiz topic: Which Pyrrhian Tribe am I and my Friends?
