Which Person From Sinsworld Are You?

This is just a quiz that should hopefully tell you which one of my friends (including myself) you act the most like. But to be fair, I don't really know how accurate this is sooooo yea

Just meant for friends, but I don't really care who else takes it. You won't know any of these people, though, if you're not someone we know IRL (obviously)

Created by: Brynnstic of Bryn's epic carrd lmao
(your link here more info)
  1. I know it's only friends of mine taking this quiz, so who are you/who do you think you'll get?
  2. Alright cool let's begin: Are you good at drawing?
  3. How often do you make homophobic/transphobic comments as a joke?
  4. I'm already running out of questions dude- uhhhh- How sociable are you?
  5. Are you in the LGBTQ+?
  6. NSFW content funny funny?
  7. Which word do you think fits you best? Don't ask your friends, just think about it yourself
  8. Grammar?
  9. This site says I need 10 questions. Are you sexy?
  10. LAST QUESTION WOOOO: Which fandom is your favourite?

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Quiz topic: Which Person From Sinsworld am I?
