Which Percy Jackson character are you

You should be fully honest when you answer these questions and don’t lie cause you might end up with someone totally different from you. They are about demigods, half-human, half-god. If you haven't read them YOU SHOULD!!!

Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a great series of books by Rick Riordan. They are about demigods, half-human, half-god. If you haven't read them YOU SHOULD!!!

Created by: Lily
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Which weapon do you want to use the most?
  3. What is your favorite animal?
  4. If you had to describe yourself what would that be?
  5. What is your biggest fear?
  6. Do you trust someone you just met?
  7. What is your favorite Percy Jackson book?
  8. What nickname do you want?
  9. Is Percy Jackson cute to you?
  10. What is your eye color

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Quiz topic: Which Percy Jackson character am I
