Percy Jackson book 1 quiz!!!

This quiz is for PJO fans searching for a PJO quiz to take!!! These books are really awesome!! The author is Rick Riordan I would really recomend him!!

This quiz is for all of us awesome demigods out there. We need to test our knowledge on Percy Jackson so we are ready when we get to camp!! This quiz will test you on big details!!

Created by: Athena#123456
  1. Who is Percy's Dad
  2. Who is Percy's Mom
  3. Who is the first monster Percy met
  4. Who was his school bully?
  5. What school did Percy go to??
  6. Who was Percy's camp bully??
  7. Who went on the quest with Percy
  8. Why did they go on a quest?
  9. Are the movies good
  10. And finally, Who is the lightning thief???

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