Which Original Scream Character Are You?

In this quiz you will be finding out which original Scream character you are!! There will be a few questions for your result! It's gonna be worth the and wait to find out!

You will get either Dewey Riley, Sidney Prescott, Tatum Riley, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Gale Weathers, and Randy Meeks! Will you get your favorite or least favorite? Idk and you don't either ;)

Created by: Marshall Beasley
  1. A ghostface has appeared! What do you do?
  2. Crap! You forgot your car keys inside as ghostface was chasing you. What are you gonna do?!?
  3. A revealed Ghostface has you cornered. What will you be doing?
  4. , who do you think is the most UNDERRATED character in the franchise??
  5. Who is the most overrated character in you opinion?? (Out of these)
  6. Which character shouldn't have died (out of these)
  7. Which of the Scream 5 characters were your favorite? (Out of these)
  8. If your friends were to type cast you in a horror movie, who would you be?
  9. How would you get around BEING ghostface?
  10. What is your favorite slasher movie (out of these)

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Quiz topic: Which Original Scream Character am I?
