Which one of these mha characters could be your boyfriend?

In this quiz you will find out which mha character could be your boyfriend, or you could find out what could make you realize what satire is.This quiz cost me almost a day it would make my day if you played this quiz.

Please im still begging you to not get offended this whole quiz is a joke about the ''which one of these [insert character series here] is your boyfriend''

Created by: qwertyuiop
  1. what would you like in your boyfriend?
  2. what would be your ideal date?
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. what would you think at first about them?
  5. Would you date if they were...
  6. would if their parents were...
  7. when would you have your first date?
  8. what color would their hair be?
  9. what would you eat at the date?
  10. what is your favorite mha character?

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Quiz topic: Which one of these mha characters could be my boyfriend?
