Your Marauders ERA Boyfriend

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Which is your boyfriend from the Marauders Era? This includes 9 characters: The classical 4 Marauders obvi,Regulus,Barty Crouch Jr,Evan Rosier,Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy. It's my first quiz so idk how accurate this is but have fun. There are 20 questions.

I know that people will likely just choose choices that will get them their favorite which is relatable ngl. They're honestly all good choices and I chose these characters because I always see just the 4 Marauders and not the other 5 I added. Like why not add Reggie :( ???

Created by: Evana <3
  1. Which Hogwarts house do you WANT to be in?
  2. Do you wear any make up?
  3. What jewelry do you wear?
  4. What weather do you prefer?
  5. Public display of affection?
  6. Do you prefer skinny or chubby?
  7. Everyone is looking at you. What do you do?
  8. How gay are you? (don't lie)
  9. Do you get along with your family?
  10. You find a spider on your bed! What now?
  11. Are you more active at night or at day?
  12. How do you want your partner in bed?
  13. How petty/stubborn are you?
  14. Is wealth and status important to you in a relationship or friendship?
  15. Do you get attached easily?
  16. How loyal are you?
  17. How good are you at keeping secrets?
  18. What's your love language?
  19. Hero or villain?
  20. You have an important exam in 2 days which has a lot of material,so you HAVE to study in advance,but your friends are all going to a popular party. They want you to come with them!

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Quiz topic: My Marauders ERA Boyfriend
