Which of the Marauders girlfriends would you be

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If you’re a big Marauders fan, this quiz is for you! This is only for girls, sorry boys. This will tell you which Marauders boy you would be crushing on.

If the results are accurate, please tell me. If not, also tell me. I hope that these give you a new way of looking at yourself, and the character that you got.

Created by: SiriusLover
  1. What house are you?
  2. Which Marauder is your favorite?
  3. What blood type are you
  4. How many years behind the Marauders are you?
  5. What is your patronus?
  6. What is your favorite place to hang out?
  7. What is your favorite class?
  8. What would be your pet?
  9. What would be your favorite thing in Hogsmead
  10. Which of these names do you like the best?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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