Which One of My Fantasy Characters Are You?

I am writing a book series called Warrior Heart. It’s about these teenagers who train in the unseen realm of Vakaheimer for the Lord of the universe, Theos, against his sworn enemy, Ra. They embark on dangerous quests. If you like adventure, drama, humor, romance, and action, this is the book for you!

The main protagonists are David Holt, Owen Holt, Cassidy Walters, Ava Keller, Maverick Allen, Ivy Leaf,and Alex Rodriguez. Which one are YOU most like?

Created by: Avery the Lionheart
  1. Hello, welcome to my quiz! First off, let’s start with the easy questions. Out of these colors, which one is your favorite?
  2. How many siblings do you have?
  3. What is one word that your friends describe you as?
  4. Let’s day you see a kid being beaten up in the school hallway. You recognize the kid. It’s Artie, the nerd of the school. You hear him screaming for help. What would you do?
  5. Let’s say you have a crush on someone, and he/she asks if you would go on a date with them. How would you react?
  6. Which family member matters most to you?
  7. What does your ideal crush look like?
  8. Okay, on an honest level...how handsome/beautiful would you say you are?
  9. How do you behave around guys/girls that you find attractive?
  10. Call me maybe?
  11. If I asked you to dance with me, how would you react?
  12. What do you like to do when you’re alone?
  13. When you are an adult (like 18+), what is one of the things that you plan to do?
  14. Are you a boy or a girl?
  15. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which One of My Fantasy Characters am I?
