Which Prince Warrior Are You?

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Priscilla Shirer’s fictional book trilogy, the Prince Warriors, are a book series about a few young people who go on quests in the unseen world of Ahoratos. They fight against an enemy known as Poneros.

There are a few main characters, Xavier, Evan, Brianna, Levi, Ivy, Manuel, and Finn who are in the series. Which one are YOU most like? Find out by taking this quiz! Also be sure to read Priscilla Shirer’s Prince Warriors trilogy!

Created by: Ave Queen
  1. First off, are you a boy or a girl?
  2. RP Question! Let’s say you arrived in Ahoratos for the first time, and you’re in a mysterious place. (Answer HONESTLY) how would you react?
  3. Again, another RP question! You’re on your first mission, and you see three entryways. One is a meadow and a castle in the background. Another is a dark, rainy street that looks haunted. And a third is a desert with a sandstorm raging. Which path do you chose?
  4. Okay. So let’s say that you encounter a pretty meadow on your journey, regardless of the path you chose. You see a pretty butterfly. It seems to be calling to you. However, the way the butterfly is telling you to go is opposite of where you need to go. What do you do?
  5. Ruwach has summoned you with your crush coming with you. He says that you two are to go free a prisoner from Sko’tos. How do you react?
  6. You have been training for your Sword for a while, and the mountain awakens. Ruwach tells you that you’re gonna get your sword. How do you react?
  7. Enough RP! Now, who is your favorite Prince Warrior?
  8. What do you think of Xavier?
  9. What do you think of Levi?
  10. What do you think of Evan?
  11. What do you think of Brianna?
  12. What do you think of Manuel?
  13. What do you think of Finn?
  14. What do you think of Ivy?
  15. If you were Levi, what would you do if you saw Manuel being made fun of by Landon.
  16. Do you think that Xavier or Ivy would win an arm wrestle?
  17. Ship or rip Levi x Brianna?
  18. Did you enjoy this quiz? (No effect)
  19. BUNNIES?

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Quiz topic: Which Prince Warrior am I?
