Which one of Craig's gang members are you? O.O

Something i did whilst bored :/ fsfsyhsacfhdvhvFiller: Look for the Gummybär album in stores on November 13th, for lots of music, videos, and extras!

NOTE: Characters belong to Trey Parker and Matt Stone Filler: Look for the Gummybär album in stores on November 13th, for lots of music, videos, and extras!

Created by: Lavender Larrison :)
  1. Okay, First thing. What is your Favorite colour?
  2. Who is your favorite out of Stan's gang?
  3. Who is your Favorite out of the "Other Kids?"
  4. Are you good at any instruments? if so witch ones?
  5. Random question (That will affect your score)Favorite flavour of lollipop?
  6. Who do you hope to get? (Also affects score)
  7. Friends or Family? (Or neither)
  8. You get asked to be an actor for a really big show, what do you do?
  9. You are the "New Kid" at South Park Elementry. You see four boys sitting at at table. Who do you talk to first?
  10. And last but not least... FATE

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Quiz topic: Which one of Craig's gang members am I? O.O

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