Which of my Ocs are you?

Hey so uh I have a question and I’m bored. Which of my Ocs are you like? It’s gonna be fun to see the results. I’m also going to post this on Pinterest! 😁

Also I was trying to think of questions so if they sound plain, yea that’s why. I’m not good at asking questions. lol but it’s ok…. Right? Please tell me yes.

Created by: Ashie_Pop
  1. When do you wake up
  2. Are you an introvert or extrovert
  3. How many friends do you have
  4. So what is your favorite show?
  5. Whose ur fav singer?
  6. Do you like movies
  7. Do you have socials
  8. Are you addicted to anything
  9. What’s your favorite color
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Ocs am I?
