Which of my ideas for feature films would you like the most?

Ever since I was, say, thirteen or fourteen, I wanted to be a film director, so I could be paid more. Then I felt that I could have complete control over the film. Then I wanted to add screenwriter to it to exercise even more control.

I'm a firm believer in the idea that films should be statements on our society, and that they should be more intellectual than just cheap explosions and dumb lines. I've made some ideas already, and with that, which of my original film ideas do you like the most?

Created by: Javi
  1. What is your favorite genre of film out of the below?
  2. Which of these film openers would you prefer?
  3. Pick a side plot.
  4. Do you like elements of theater in films? (Blocking, scenes fading in like a curtain, intermission, long takes?)
  5. Which already existing films do you like most?
  6. Are you sensitive to film themes or scenes of prejudice or the like?
  7. Do you like films that are intellectual? (have thought-provoking themes)
  8. Which climax would you like the most?
  9. What kind of messages do you like in your films?
  10. The process of getting these films underway will be lengthy. After my 5-6 years in university (I may be getting a master's in poli sci), and internships with filmmakers, I have to build my way up before I can make these. Are you excited for them?

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