What Movie Do You Belong in?

Have you ever wondered what film you'll be classed as? There are many different types of films, for example, horror and comedy. This is a peculiar quiz tells you what film you belong to. Now how peculiar is it really?

Are you ready to find out what film you are? Are you ready to reveal your movie side? Until now, before this quiz, you can only wonder but now you can find out!! I hope you are. ON YOUR MARKS... GET SET... QUIZ ON!!! :D?

Created by: Sadie
  1. How do your friends describe you?
  2. What would be your favourite activity?
  3. Where would be your ideal day out?
  4. How many relationships have you had?
  5. What's your favourite colour ( You knew it was coming!)
  6. If this quiz site didn't exist, what would you be doing.
  7. What do believe in?
  8. What do you watch on tv?
  9. What music do you listen to?
  10. Right. Did you like this quiz.

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Quiz topic: What Movie do I Belong in?