What Film Director Are You

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Have you ever wondered, if ever made a film, what would it be like? In this quick quiz, you will learn what your directing style is most similar to, and why that is.

This is the ultimate film buff quiz. If you do not know the director you are assigned to, check one of there films out and see if you think it is symmetrical to you.

Created by: Stuff
  1. What would be your favorite TV show out of these.
  2. Who is your favorite actor out of these.
  3. What rating do you think your film would be.
  4. What would be your most common genre.
  5. What is your favorite RECENT movie.
  6. What do you prefer.
  7. What is your favorite song out of these.
  8. If your studio told you to make a comedy film, what type would it be?
  9. Going off topic, what is your satisfaction on this quiz so far(this won't affect the rest of the quiz)
  10. And finally, would ever you make a superhero movie.

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Quiz topic: What Film Director am I
