Which of my characters are you?

Nothing to crazy just some quiz that'll determine which of my characters (or ocs) you resemble the most. That's all. It might not be accurate but don't be offended

I don't really know how to fill in this part sooooo....djdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdhdjdjdjdjdjdjxjdjsjxsjjxjxxjdjdjjddjdjdjdjdjdjxjxjjxxjxjxjxjxjxjxjxjxjx

Created by: Nope
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. When presented with a problem/ with conflict, how do you handle it?
  3. Extroverted or introverted?
  4. When insulted, how do you react?
  5. When insulted, how to you feel?
  6. Why did you play this quiz?
  7. (Final) is this quiz of satisfaction?
  8. Thank you very much
  9. (Extra) what is your favorite genre?
  10. Ddhdhdhdh

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Quiz topic: Which of my characters am I?
