Which oc of mine are you?

Hello! This is a quiz that asks: “WHAT OC OF MINE ARE YOU?” You answer questions and the more evil. You are My evil ocs. The more nice. You are my nice ocs!

My ocs yeah so uhm what do i say uhh my ocs what oc are you my oc my ocs? No no uhm i don’t know WHAT TO SAY AAAAHHHH HELP ME WHAT DO I SAY oh i can publish it now yayyy

Created by: Patcho matcho
  1. What gender
  2. Personality
  3. What role do you really wanna be?
  4. Whats your favorite character?
  5. Choose a number
  6. Do you easily get startled?
  7. You ask your mentor to hunt. They say no. What do you do?
  8. Who would you rather be mates with?
  9. Where were you born?
  10. You have a vision from starclan. They say: “kill your leader!”
  11. Your in war. Who do you attack first?
  12. Which would you go to?
  13. A kit from another clan getting attacked. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which oc of mine am I?
