A whole new world 4

Welcome! The final battle is here and Fi needs you! We are going to kill the one and only villian, Athena. Will you help us and save all of Fi from her evil?

Rules: 1. choose wisely 2. be nice to all of us 3. don't do random stuff 4. Be nice no matter what Finally... just have fun!

Created by: Robin
  1. Are you ready?
  2. You fall asleep in your bed at your house at around midnight. You fall asleep but we decided you shall enter Fi in your sleep. You are in front of a beach with us. " We missed you!" Shadow barked. " The final battle to free Fi of the evil is upon us. Will you help us end Athena?"says Artemis. Well,will you?
  3. We head into a swamp. We are flying on a disc while Artemis was steering thenn we were attacked by a half-dracula-haalf-mosqoto. Its eating Marsha. What do you kill it with?
  4. You didn't know so you asked me. " Mix fairy dust, nutella, and ther garlic together! Fairy dust is painful to evil creatures, nutella kills magical creatures and garlic repels dracula and mosqotos." You throw it at it and we leave the swamp.
  5. We get to a huge lake that we had to swim across. "Eat this gillyweed." we shoved it in our mouthes and go to the bottom of the lake. Gilly Weed allows you to breathe underwater. You fight all the mermaids and make it to the otherside. You are in a middle of a artic terrain soaking wet. Whats your first responce out of these?
  6. We make a fire and make torches and move on. We get to a huge creepy castle. "Who's going in?" asks Marsha. All of us said we would. Will you as well?
  7. Before we head in me and Grim were whispering to each other. You were listening. " What if you die, Robin? I love you too much!" whisperd Grim. "I'll live, as always." I whispered bitterly. He kisses me and then we all enter the castle. What do you think about me and Grim?
  8. We enter. You see a woman that looks like Fi from legend of zelda and she turns to face us. "Well, well the kettle of heros! I've heard so much about you." Artemis lunges but is at her feet, unconsious. " And the spoken one! (she looks at you) I thought you were older and stronger. Lets put that to the test." She kills all of us except you. Are you sad about us?
  9. "Of course, since you don't have magic, lets do some hand combat." she says turning your weapon to dust. You try to defeat her but you fail. " Bravo, a weak one. You are like a ant to me. Join me and i'll help you achive higher ranks." Do you?
  10. You notice a wooden stake across the room. All i have to do is stab her you thought. Athena picks you up by the throat and throws you across the room. " I hope you don't have any loved ones, because you won't see them." she hisses. You crawl to the stake and pick it up. "You think a wooden stake will kill me?" Do you?
  11. You throw the stake at her and she shrieks with pain. She falls to the floor, dead. We all wake up and we hug you. I whisper "you saved Fi." All of Fi celebrates and me and Grim get married. You wake up in your bed back at home and at first thought it was a dream until you saw a moon imprinted on your hand, given by Fi as a token.
  12. Bye! Lets let fate decide!

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