Which ninja likes you

This quiz will probably answer the questions that you are taking this quiz for.Which ninja likes you? I’m just as excited as you are. Are you a hopeless romantic, well let’s find out

Me: hi, Jay: Hi!, Lloyd: Hello, Kai: What’s up, Cole: Hi, Zane: Hello.Me: are you excited for this quiz, Ninja/Quizzers: YES!, Me: great. Then let’s get quizzing

Created by: Nanna Olsen
  1. What is your favourite colour
  2. What’s your favourite dessert
  3. What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?
  4. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
  5. What's your favourite animal?
  6. Where did you grow up?
  7. How would my friends describe me?
  8. Last question. How are you hoping for?
  9. Random question. Have you watched the Ninjago Movie. (Won’t effect your result)
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz
  11. Bye 👋 (won’t effect your result)

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