Are You a Foot Ninja?

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There are many who want to be ninja but few succeed! You have to train in martial arts, be stealthy, and be completely loyal to your clan. If you are interested in this be sure to find a good ninjitsu dojo and attend it.

Even if you skilled you may not have to mortallity of a ninja, also have to think like a ninja and act like a ninja. Ninja are completely loyal to their ninja clan.

Created by: Zekomiki1
  1. You find out valiable information about the shredder would you rat him out.
  2. You are captured and torchered will you rat out the foot clan.
  3. You must devote much time to the foot clan for it to succeed, will you do it.
  4. Will you fo anything your commanders told you to do.
  5. Would you train under the shredder?
  6. Would you try to overthrow the shredder.
  7. Would you sacrifice yourself for the clan.
  8. Would you betray the foot clan if your life depended on it.
  9. Would you train very hard for the clan(pushing yourself to the limit).
  10. If the shredder and the foot clan were real would you do all this for them?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Foot Ninja?