Which Murder Drones Character are you

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Murder Drones Test. I hope you enjoy it. Murder drones belongs to the glitch channel on YouTube. Random words starting now kksgichfiuhudhkjjvbvuhuyry8eeuuueiuejf


Created by: Maura
  1. If you found an injured person, what would you do?
  2. If you had a lover, How would you treat them
  3. If you found a descendent of a Dinosaur, How would you react?
  4. If you had a crush on a person, How would you give signals?
  5. If you needed help, Would ask for it?
  6. What is your favorite color
  7. What is your Favorite type of music?
  8. Which one do you think you got?
  9. Do you like ppl?
  10. Have Good Day

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Quiz topic: Which Murder Drones Character am I
