What murder drones character are you! (updated)

This isnt a serious quiz it's just a joke for laughs please don't be mad I got logged out of my account but I have a real quiz there so take that instead, it's by cynwalker.

Hi how are you? this quiz is a joke, please don't take this seriously. People will take quizzes just to get a certain character so I made this to joke with them! Go see my REAL murder drones quiz

Created by: Cynwalker
  1. Who do you want to get
  2. Quote?
  3. Color?
  4. Did you take this quiz just to get Cyn? 🙃
  5. Did you take this quiz to get n?
  6. Did you take this quiz to get uzi?
  7. I have 97 mental illnesses and I'm banned from most public spaces.
  8. What will you do once I eat your family
  9. Will you comment?
  10. Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzzler
  11. Are you my friend now?

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Quiz topic: What murder drones character am I! (updated)
