Which TBBT character are you?

This quiz will tell you which character from the Big Bang theory you are most like! No, this doesnt include all the characters. But most of the main ones are included.

Please don’t take the quiz results seriously! It’s all a joke dont worry if you get a character you don’t like, the quiz isnt all that accurate anyways :)

Created by: Artemis
  1. Do you enjoy romantic things likes dates, cuddling, etc?
  2. Are you more book smart or street smart?
  3. Are you into astrology?
  4. What are your dreams/goals in life?
  5. What types of tv do you like to watch?
  6. What types of clothes do you wear?
  7. Do you have any pets
  8. How much yapping do you do?
  9. what are your hobbies?
  10. Are you good at cooking?

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Quiz topic: Which TBBT character am I?
