Which Minecraft mob is you

This is a Minecraft quiz that you will take to choose which mob you are ok thanks and also don't blow yourself up with TNT ok good bye yay and don't m

ine diamonds with a wooden pick axe it won't do anything and don't let a creeper blow you up blow it up instead want to know why to do that cause is cool

Created by: Itherooster
  1. What Minecraft mob is your favorite out of these?
  2. You find some gold. What do you do?
  3. You come face to face with Steve and he has a diamond sword. What do you do?
  4. You come face to face with a creeper. What to do
  5. I'm bored what 2 plus 2
  6. When was Minecraft made
  7. You see a village what you do
  8. You come to a temple wht u du
  9. Almost done
  10. Final question you see ender dragon what you do

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