What's Your Potion Tribe?

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The quiz to your potion tribe! If you are Invisibility Potion then you can turn invisible! And if you are Poison Potion you can shoot poison and flying potion can fly and if you are water you are nothing thogh...

In this quiz you can be Invisibility Potion, Poison Potion, Flying Potion or, Water! And remember flying potion is flying invisibility potion is invisibility poison potion is poison and water means nothing to anyone.

Created by: Natalia
  1. What's your favorioute color?
  2. What's your dream Power?
  3. If you had a bad day p what would you do and if you had a good day what would you do?
  4. If you could kill some one who would you kill?
  5. If you could turn 1 person invisible who would you turn invisible?
  6. If you could make 1 person fly who would you pick?
  7. If you could do nothing on 1 day of the week what day would you pick.
  8. What color would you want?
  9. What's your favoriuote color... Again?
  10. Finaly what tribe do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: What's my Potion Tribe?
