for bored peeps (similar to quotev "make a potion" quizzes)

this is like those quotev make a potion quizzes except on gotoquiz instead of quotev. so yeah, make a potion, called "esscenses" in the quiz. enjoy i guess

meh nobody ever reads the second paragraph anyway so vfhdubhuktbbvutytssgtbvbvssyyyusgvyuvbvsutvhusb seven foot frame rats along his back (i really love encanto lol)

Created by: not telling you
  1. you get water. what do you do to the water before starting?
  2. you put it in a cauldron. what does the cauldron look like?
  3. put an herb or spice into it.
  4. put the petals of a flower in it.
  5. choose a crystal to put in the water
  6. choose the juice of a fruit
  7. choose something from nature
  8. choose something from your kitchen
  9. choose things that you associate with your potion
  10. choose a mythical ingrediant
  11. you are done. what color is the potion?
  12. you put it in a bottle. what does the bottle look like?

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