Which male Greek god are you?

A personality test assesses behavior, emotions, preferences and attitudes.. It is designed to assess a person's behavior and thinking patterns to identify particular characteristics or attributes that are unique to them. Personality tests are often used in clinical psychology, human resources, and business management to help individuals gain insight into their behavior, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and make appropriate changes to achieve their goals. The results obtained from a personality test provide individuals with a better understanding of their own personality, which can help them improve their relationships, communication skills, and decision-making abilities.

Could you kindly just do my test for fun as it is for fun only. Please comment and give advice so I can add improvements. I hope you come to the end you want so take care!

Created by: Eason
  1. Night or day
  2. Odd or Even
  3. What is your age?It will not be shared=)
  4. Gender?
  5. Pick a letter
  6. Season
  7. You are
  8. Hair colour
  9. eye colour
  10. choose
  11. moon or sun
  12. Choose
  13. what god do you want to be?
  14. do you want more questions?

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Quiz topic: Which male Greek god am I?
