Which Magic High character are you?

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(I drew myself). Heya, I'm back! Which Magic High character are you? MUST READ! Okay so quick heads up, Magic High is a story I made, so don't search on netflix or whatever.

Also, I'm still trying to figure out by myself if I'm lesbian, straight or bi. But, I'll be happy with whichever one, have fun playing my quiz bai!!!!

Created by: Quizuser
  1. What colour are your eyes?
  2. Favourite colour?
  3. What power do you want?
  4. Are you good hearted?
  5. Do you believe in world peace?
  6. Introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
  7. Are you a meanie?
  8. Who do you want?
  9. Who do you think you'll get?
  10. Did you have fun?
  11. Emoji for fate!

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Quiz topic: Which Magic High character am I?
